Illustration of a worm throwing a paper airplane into another worm's fishing net; by Stefanie Kreuzer, b13 GmbH (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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By the way: Creating forms as an editor with TYPO3 is simple

TYPO3 offers an extension that creates simple forms for your website.

Forms can be created by editors in the Forms module in the backend.
Why don't you try it out by copying the forms we've already created?
Just add, edit or delete form fields as you wish.

Insert the forms plugin as a new content element on a page to try out your form! 

You're welcome to fill out this contact form as well. Since it's only for demo reasons, though, we will not be getting your message and no mails will be sent out to anyone.

If you want to get in touch with us, you can find us here.

Contact Form

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Welcome to our TYPO3 Demo website

As you might notice: None of us is a pomologist, and we know just as much as Wikipedia knows about apples.

This website is not about apples, it's all about showcasing TYPO3 CMS. Because that is what we know best.

This website gives you a deeper look at how TYPO3 works. Why don't you login to the backend and try out what you can do?

Feel free to edit or delete content - don't worry about breaking things. We reset the system 30 minutes after someone has logged in.