Photo of Apple Cinnamon Oat in glass; Photo by StockSnap, Burst

Overnight Cinnamon Oats

Say goodbye to stressful mornings and hello to your new best friend: Overnight Cinnamon Oats sitting in the refrigerator and waiting to be enjoyed by you.
Easy to prepare, amazing to eat!


Quantity Product
1/2 cup Oats
1/2 cup Nonfat milk
1/4 cup Plain, nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup Apple, chopped
1/8 tsp Ground cinnamon
1 tsp Honey
1 tsp Chia seeds



Step 1

Add all of the oats to a container of your choice and pour in low-fat yogurt and milk. 

Step 2

Add in a layer of chopped apples, and top off with a drizzle of honey, cinnamon, and chia seeds.

Step 3

Place the container in your fridge and enjoy in the morning or a few hours later! Let it steep for at least 8 hours in a refrigerator 40° F or colder. Eat the Overnight Oat within 24 hours.

Recipe from

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